Wednesday, October 30, 2019

New Whirled Hors d'oeuvres

by shaun lawton

You know those who use the word globalist derogatorily
full stop you already know what door they walked through
into the red-bricked building marked Conspiracy 101
Here's a theory just because it's a new world order
doesn't mean it has to be Mordor for the love of God
let's put our heads together and get our kids to vote
or better yet instead of chasing booty can we concentrate
on our civic duty? If Jesus Christ died for our sins and
the Buddha continually grins who's the joke on while all
this fake news and disinformation spins and tomorrow's
loser under the current administration wins don't you get it
the main reason there's worldwide turmoil is because we let it
happen while getting distracted meanwhile all the evidence
against them gets redacted while we're all getting hyperlinked
with clickbait to a virtual reality prison we live in cuz we're
the inmates of our own chosen asylum only the walls aren't
made of rubber they're comprised of pixels keeping us mesmerized
by our own design dancing before the rods and cones of our eyes
and a whole lot of y'all wanna despise the idea of uniting nations
to make the world a better place wtf's wrong with your face
unless it's not really yours anymore that must be it the doppelganger
in the mirror done switched places with you already sometime in
the dead of night while you up and sleptwalked into the bathroom
now the person who returned to their bed to go  to sleep and got woke
this morning isn't even you anymore just a pale imitation of what
came before once upon a time when you thought for yourself
you were just a kid pretending to be an elf or imagining dragons
were caught in the clouds and now you're just evaporating on
a street corner while you vape away the day your identity erased
what else can I say big man on campus who believes the world's flat
just to get a rise out of spite from a fellow citizen how's that for
an amusing gesture meanwhile y'all still really believe in chemtrails
and reptilians and that colonizing Mars is a good idea when we're
trapped down here in a paradise being degraded if you ask me
y'all are just jaded it's sad really staying awake with our dream faded
like this they say ignorance is bliss but y'all done taken the piss out of it
already hold steady now I ain't done this goes out to every last one of you
who think power exists in money and lies well I got news for you see
that's a disguise worn by the psychopaths among us who try to get a rise
out of the best of you and you guessed it they done pulled the wool
over your eyes so long ago you think what you're seeing is the real world
From where we stand on the ground it's far more lucid and blue than you
could even imagine now peel off those blinders and open your ears even
if it takes some of you years to see the truth hidden out in plain sight
and hear the call ringing out day and night we are the stars reflected here
on Earth each one of us an immortal spirit for what it's worth so if you
don't mind my saying so pull your heads out your asses and maybe sign up
for socioeconomics classes and take all the power that was originally yours
back from the man who's hijacked
the white house in a personal attack against you and your family and all
your descendants it's got nothing to do with the declaration of independence
we're all in this worldwide game together so best take aim at your sisters
and brothers and choose your ammo either deadly hate or to love one another
it all comes down to this one choice unfortunately for you they've stolen
your voice and if you want to hear how they performed that one trick
it's by feeding you fear that you swallowed hook line and sinker and now
you can't even hear when the truth is spoken straight to your face
for example a new world order's the best thing that could happen
to this place it just takes men and women who can think for themselves
and not be led around their closed circuit Hells by a leash attached
to their collars and kept complacent by corporate cast spells and if
you want to keep it that way stay bent over and puckered cuz
that's fresh for twenty nineteen, suckas.

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