Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Master bait don't wait get it straight 
our fate too late ain't it great fuel
hate carry freight slung weight 
Webgate on the plate prison crate 
blind date hateful eight third rate 
perma slate world spate birth rate 
floodgate collate lightweight gyrate 
frustrate magnate mandate castrate 
substrate free state stagnate prorate 
schoolmate gestate hotplate update 
primate irate concentrate abrogate 
city state captivate attenuate recapitulate 
circumnavigate underestimate the fertility 
and infant mortality rate but don't remunerate 
the secretary of state before it's too late to
get it straight we're all just regurgitated click bait 
proliferating to masturbate in a sophisticated date 
to participate obliterate cross-pollinate and degenerate 
an invertebrate set to exacerbate the confederate 
contaminant of our degenerate union unless we 
commemorate and authenticate a premeditated 
emancipation extrapolated from our ejaculation 
elucidating to enunciate and determine an appropriate 
surrogate to motivate and navigate or arbitrate 
for an advocate to fixate a rebate by a due date 
before we annihilate our growth rate with a stalemate 
we continue to delegate and devastate with click bait