the Meat Industry Doesn't Want You To See.
The meat in your skull so convoluted the Mc
Cartney Industry doesn't want you to know.
The thoughts stuck in your head Paul's In-
dustry doesn't want you to recall. The same
industry fortified by the collectively mindless
Customer fueling Commerce with enough CCs
of sterilized vitamins to feed a horde of bees
collecting into a growing humming beard.
All with commercial advertising broadsides
dispatching declarations of independence,
mind you. If you don't mind at all, that is.
I mean if you're completely mindless about it.
Everywhere you look, the fact that the tail
has eaten itself and the tongue will never
stop wagging hammers into the rest of us.
Everyone else already left a long time ago
the realization swiftly comes. A vacant stare
about the lies heard in the mirror resounding
dead back at itself as if it were the deepest
hidden underground surface of a lake that
ever remained still for periodic intervals
reaching nearly a month at a time on a basis
regular enough by which to set a clock
of sufficient size to be be referred to as
a calendar. A rock larger than a mountain
carved into a portable sundial you may wear
upon your wrist. The meat industry doesn't
want you to see this. Because if any single
one of us were to ever accidentally figure
out how to avoid telling the time we could
all potentially miss the bus on the way to
the sand melting contest. And where would
that leave us but the proverbial forsaken dust
in a world so concerned with telescoping how
it is that others should perceive us that it has
forgotten the face of its father and mothers
and brothers and sisters and even that of its
pop rock prodigal son. Forget about it, I'm done.
No need to read what you see here because
the industry doesn't want you to even think
much less feel act and love in this whirling
dervish scouring away hunger on the terrestrial
planes of a vicious cycle. The next time we begin
curving around the bend toward the gravity
of our star look out your window and wave
hello. And don't forget to watch Paul Mc
Cartney's video the Meat Industry
doesn't want you to see!